Joe Jurgielewicz & Son raises one of the most sought-after ducks in the country. This Pennsylvania-bred Pekin duck is a descendant of the original Long Island breed that Dr. Joe’s grandparents raised on their farm in Long Island. The JJS breed is favored by leading chefs for its perfectly balanced meat-to-fat ratio. Roast whole and finish under the broiler for succulent meat and the crispiest skin!

The Jurgielewicz ducks are raised free-roaming in large temperature-controlled barns and are fed only a nutritious diet of corn and soybeans. They are never given any antibiotics or hormones to promote growth. Joe Jurgielewicz & Son is the only duck farm in America with two “round-the-clock” veterinarians as well as a full-time duck welfare specialist to train employees and conduct duck welfare audits.

Delivered frozen.

Image from Farm to People
Joe Jurgielewicz and SonJoe Jurgielewicz and ...

Hamburg, PA

Dr. Joe Jurgielewicz and Sons have been in the duck breeding industry since 1984. Dr. Joe is a veterinarian trained at Cornell University and the only vet-doctor in this country who is also a duck farmer. Although the Jurgielewicz name goes way back in the Long Island Pekin duck farming tradition, it is now operating out-of-state. Dr. Joe decided to open his first farm on 500 acres of rolling Pennsylvania farmland together with his two sons once Long Island became overcrowded with duck farms and pollution problems followed. Dr. Joe raises a Pekin duck strain that is greatly sought after by Asian chefs. His farm is one of the only vertically integrated duck farms in the U.S. These ducks are fatter than most, are raised in modern, clean barns with mesh floors that have lots of fresh air flowing throughout. To eliminate any chance of polluting the environment, Dr. Joe collects solid duck waste and turns into a dry sanitary fertilizer that he gives away free to local farmers in his area. He also employs sustainable farming practices including a modern wastewater treatment plant on the farm which conserves and recycles water, prevents runoff and preserves the integrity of the soil. All his ducks are free roaming, antibiotic and hormone free, and raised on well water, soybeans and home-grown corn.