Variegata di Lusia Radicchio is a delightful and visually appealing variety of radicchio known for its striking variegated leaves. Its mildly bitter taste, characteristic of radicchio, adds a unique flavor dimension to salads, while its variegated appearance makes it a visually enticing addition to any culinary creation. Whether used for garnish, as a salad base, or as an ingredient in various dishes, Variegata di Lucia Radicchio is a versatile and eye-catching option for those looking to elevate their culinary presentations.
Newtown Square, PA
Established in 2017, Urban Roots Farm is a 26-acre farm located in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. Using organic growing methods, they are committed to growing delicious, chemical-free vegetables, strawberries, and flowers. Building a resilient food system is at the forefront of their mission, and they cooperate with other local farms with similar growing standards and practices to achieve this.