A variety of table grapes known for their sweet, candy-like flavor. Gum drop grapes are seedless, think skinned, and perfect for snacking.


Shafter, CA

When Jack Pandol founded Grapery in 1996, he followed a family tradition of grape growing that spanned three generations. He had one goal: to produce the best tasting table grapes in the industry. By pioneering, adopting and refining various farming practices, Pandol passionately led his team at Grapery through a series of innovative breakthroughs that ultimately resulted in the delivery of outstanding, mouth-watering, all-natural grapes with an amazing flavor for consumers around the world.

Grapes break bud in March, bloom in May, and are primarily harvested July through November. Working together, the perfect combination of sun, water and soil create delectable grapes. California's sunny, hot and dry summers make Grapery’s grapes the best-tasting fruit...naturally. And, California's extensive water storage and delivery system provides access to much-needed water – water that is painstakingly conserved through a drip irrigation system that has been adopted and fully implemented by Grapery.

Grapery’s unique and sometimes surprising flavors are the result of their innovative farming techniques combined with all-natural breeding practices. They start with grape varietals that have been developed over years of natural cross-breeding, then raise them in fields cultivated under ideal growing conditions. Finally, they let their table grapes mature on the vine until they have reached their perfect flavor--whenever that may be-- before harvesting them. This means that each variety is selectively harvested several times throughout the growing season. It's a tall order, but to achieve our incredible flavors nothing less will do.

Store in a breathable plastic bag in the fridge for up to a week.