Enjoy these earthy, sweet, nutty, red fingerling potatoes. They hold their shape when cooked, making them a perfect potato for any type of salad; try smashed with garlic and Parmesan; or serve simply coated in butter and chives.

Certified Organic
Image from Farm to People
Juniper Hill FarmJuniper Hill Farm

Wadhams, NY

Juniper Hill Farm is situated between the Adirondack Mountains and Lake Champlain, on the Boquet River in Wadhams, New York. Established in 2007, the farm expanded from three acres of fertile land to over one hundred acres.

During the summer, Juniper Hill Farm can be found selling its produce at five local farmer’s markets weekly, and it provides a healthy quantity of wholesale goods to local restaurants and stores, like Farm to People.

The growing techniques employed by Juniper Hill Farm exceed the requirements of the National Organic Program, and the farm is recognized by NOFA NY as a Certified Organic Farm.