Purple Daikon radishes have a milder flavor than their white counterparts and are prized for their colorful flesh. They offer a sweet, peppery taste that works well in raw, cooked, or pickled dishes. The radishes can be eaten with or without their skin, and when raw, they can be thinly sliced for salads, used as a dipper, or chopped into slaws. Their vibrant bi-colored flesh adds a pop of color to sandwiches, sashimi, appetizer plates, and pickles, and can also be grated as a condiment.

Rich in vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin E, Purple Daikon radishes help boost the immune system, aid digestion, and protect cells from damage. They also provide potassium, calcium, and phosphorus for bone health, along with smaller amounts of copper, magnesium, iron, and folate. The purple flesh contains anthocyanins, antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, and in traditional Asian medicine, daikon radishes are often infused in honey as a natural remedy for coughs and colds.

Certified Organic
Image from Farm to People
Urban Roots FarmUrban Roots Farm

Newtown Square, PA

Established in 2017, Urban Roots Farm is a 26-acre farm located in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. Using organic growing methods, they are committed to growing delicious, chemical-free vegetables, strawberries, and flowers. Building a resilient food system is at the forefront of their mission, and they cooperate with other local farms with similar growing standards and practices to achieve this.