Kumquats are a shockingly delicious and energizing citrus. Unlike most of their citrus relatives, their skins are typically enjoyed along with the rest of the fruit! You can pop one of these little guys (washed, of course) right in your mouth for a mouth-watering, face-puckering burst of flavor!

Image from Farm to People
Bernard RanchesBernard Ranches

Riverside, CA

Vicki and Vince Bernard travelled up and down the coast of Southern California tasting fruit at different groves. They bought the grove with the sweetest fruit and began farming in 1979. They believe that the rich soil and seaweed fertilizer they use contributes to the flavor and sweetness of the citrus they grow. They manage their trees without the use of synthetic pesticides, preferring to release beneficial insects instead: parasitic wasps, lady beetles and lace wings. They grow a wonderful variety of citrus from minneola tangelos to marsh white grapefruits.