Nature’s perfect finger food! These drumsticks are succulent and rich and waiting for your creativity.
Bake in ghee and hot sauce; oven-fry with almond flour to satiate those Kentucky fried cravings; roast with lemon and garlic.
Locust Point Farm
Since 1980, Locust Point Farm has endeavored to provide natural meat with no antibiotics or growth promotants added. A small family farm in the northeastern corner of Maryland, Locust Point specializes in grass-fed beef, turkeys, and our favorite, Chesapeake Choice chicken, which is processed in an on-farm facility. These chickens are so special because they are raised in small flocks, allowing for better use of their free-range space and the ability to give more individual attention to each bird to ensure welfare. These happier birds forage better, aren't competing for resources, and are truly free-range, not just allowed a small outdoor pen. Once you try their chicken, you will immediately be able to tell the difference between well-cared for, well-nourished chickens and commercially farmed animals.