Crisp, clean, and refreshingly smooth, this lightly-hopped non-alcoholic lager from Visitor is the perfect choice for any occasion. With less than 0.5% ABV, only 79 calories, and gluten-reduced, it delivers all the flavor you love without compromise.

Mix and match across all Visitor items to build your own six pack!

Image from Farm to People

Visitor is a crisp, clean, and lightly hopped non-alcoholic beer crafted for those who value balance. Gluten-reduced and refreshingly satisfying, Visitor offers the full ritual of enjoying a great beer—without compromise.

Visitor was started with a simple mission: to create a brew that lets you stay present in the moment without feeling full, tired, or left out. Whether you’re extending the hangout, joining the celebration, or simply savoring a quiet pause, Visitor makes it possible to enjoy without sacrifice.

Visitor believe everyone deserves a place at the table. That’s why they say: All Visitors are welcome.