Kintoki carrots are a sweet Japanese variety known for their vibrant red hue. Tender, earthy, and softer than other carrot varieties, they are often used in Japanese soups, stews, and salads.
Source of lycopene, potassium, fiber, and vitamins C & E.
Suzuki Farm, established in 1983 in Delmar, Delaware by Ken Suzuki, is the oldest Japanese vegetable producer on the East Coast. Spanning 28 acres, the farm grows a variety of Japanese vegetables, harvesting over 30 different varieties throughout the year! Focused on delivering freshness and flavor, the farm carefully selects popular vegetable seeds from Japan, which must undergo quarantine inspections and disinfection before use, meaning the vegetables are not certified organic. However, the vegetables are pesticide-free, relying instead on plant-based products for pest control, such as extracts from Chinese chives, Japanese parsley, Japanese mugwort, green onion, pickled scallion, and others, as well as pyroligneous acid and certified disinfectants. Suzuki Farm utilizes Japanese farm equipment and Ken dedicates significant attention, effort, and time to growing his crops. It is one of the few farms in the United States owned by Japanese farmers.