Easier to digest than cow milk, goat milk is a natural choice for those sensitive to cow dairy. Goat milk has smaller size fat particles which produce a smaller and softer curd in the stomach. The smaller, softer curds are more rapidly broken down by stomach enzymes, which make goat milk more easily digestible! High in calcium, magnesium and potassium, it's also a good source of vitamin D. Its sweet, rich flavor profile is distinctive and more complex than other milks, which means its delicious to drink on its own and ideal for recipes as well.

Windy Hill Goat Dairy

Cherry Valley, NY

Founded in 2011, owners Barry & Kay Gaughn, have been bringing their quality goat products to the Market for the past 6 years. It all started when Barry bought around 30 goats immediately after college and the farm grew from there. Today, with 300 goats for milk and 250 goats lined up as replacements, these two stay quite busy. All of their products are processed right on the farm — from ground goat to milk to goat breast to feta cheese, curating each product requires different tasks. For example, it takes about 2 hours to milk a herd and then pasteurizing and cooling requires another 2 hours which is followed by another hour to complete the bottling process. All of these steps lead to farm-fresh goat milk. A normal day at the farm starts with Kay & Barry rising at 4:30am and processing all of their products 6 days a week. The two actually consider Saturday Market Days their “day off,” which if you’ve been to our farmers market, you know it requires a knack for marketing, speaking with valued customers repeatedly, and an overall hustle to end the day with an empty truck. Although the work is very time consuming, the two agree that it’s both fun and rewarding. Plus, they love that it’s work they can tackle as a family. With consistent products that are processed right on their farm, Barry believes this is what contributes to their steady customer base year-round.

Keep refrigerated.

Pasteuerized Goat Milk