Also known as the Japanese pumpkin, Tetsukabuto squash was developed in Japan to be resistant to insects and disease, produce high yields, and have excellent storage capabilities. The knobby, dark green outside opens up to a bright yellow flesh that is dense and firm. With a lower moisture content than its relative the kabocha, when roasted, the tetsukabuto retains a firm, pleasantly starchy texture, similar to that of a potato, and instead of the typical sweet flavor of a kabocha or butternut, tetsukabuto has more of an earthy toasted hazelnut and brown butter taste. Super popular in Brazil and surrounding Latin American countries, this squash makes a great South American style curry or stew, but also does well sliced thin and roasted for sides and salads, or deep fried in a Japanese tempura.



Sunny Harvest

Lancaster, PA

Sunny Harvest, LLC is a locally owned and operated growing co-op located in Lancaster County PA. With over two dozen small Amish family farm members throughout the plain communities in Chester and Lancaster counties, produce is grown using traditional and conventional agricultural cultivation practices. Family Farm Fresh produce includes: diversified vegetables, small fruits, greens, and herbs.

Store in a cool, dry place like the back of a cabinet or closet for up to a month.